Saturday, September 24, 2016

Setting The Tone.

Another great class! We had so much fun that I forgot to take any photos!  But I am remembering to put up my tonal reference photos for anyone who wants to use these for any extra practice...

and the best thing is, I made them large enough, that you can even do a transfer directly from your screen onto tracing paper!


First off, the cube.

The cube is the best place to start, using only hard edges...

 Then the egg, with its rounded surface makes us introduce soft edges and value transitions “turning the form”.

Now combining the two forms with different lighting sources...

Facial plaster casts from Michaelangelo’s “David”

The extra challenge, putting it all together and dealing with the erosion texture on the nose...

And a final study, this is from a photo I took last Spring and then popped into a tonal filter.  Thinking I am going to use hard/found edges on the flowers and soft/lost ones on the back ground...

Happy Painting!!

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